Bradford Abbas with Clifton Maybank 

Some Vestry Book Entries, Bradford Abbas (as given on film)

1845-1923, Film MIC/R/1415, Dorset History Centre (previously DRO)



Listed in Vestry Book:


List of Churchwardens

Mr George Masters, Mr John Sherring 1840, 1841, 1842

Mr James Vincent, Mr James Baker 1843, 1844

Mr James Vincent, Mr George Masters 1845

Mr James Vincent, Mr James ?Parsons 1846, 1847

Mr George Masters, Mr George Bartlett 1848, 1849

Mr Vincent, Clifton , Mr Baker 1850

Mr Granger, Mr Baker 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854

Mr Granger, Mr Stiby 1855

Mr Granger, Mr Vincent, Clifton 1856

Mr Granger, Mr Caddy 1857, 1858

Mr Newman , Mr Vincent 1859, 1860

Mr Newman , Mr Caddy 1861, 1862

Mr Granger , Mr Caddy 1863

Mr Buckman , Mr Caddy 1864-1872

Mr Buckman , Mr A. Clayton 1873


List of Guardians

Mr J.G. Caines 1835-1837

Mr John Sherring 1838

Mr Geo. Masters 1839-1840

Mr James Read 1841

Mr Henry Feaver 1842

Mr James Vincent 1843-1844

Mr Geo. Masters 1845

Mr James Vincent 1846-1847

Mr Geo. Bartlett 1848

Mr Ernest Baker 1849

Mr Geo. Masters 1850-1851

Joseph Bartlett 1852

No entry 1853

Mr Geo. Masters 1854

Robert Stiby 1855-1856

Mr Caddy 1857-1858

J.J. Newman Esq. 1859-1863

Mr Caddy 1863-1865

Mr Buckman 1866-1870


List of Constables

Mr John Smith 1840

Mr Henry Feaver 1841

Mr Peter Ridout )

Mr Geo. Hodges ) 1842

Mr Jas. Bartlett 1843

George Read 1844

George Bartlett 1845-1846

George Plomer 1847-1851

Solomon Rendall 1852-1853

Solomon Rendall )

Thomas Patch ) 1854

Solomon Rendall 1855-1858

No entry 1859

Solomon Rendall )

Mark Rendall ) 1860-1864

Solomon Rendall 1865-1866


List of Overseers

Mr James Read , Mr Peter Ridout 1840

Mr P. Ridout , Mr Joseph Bartlett 1841

James Parsons , John Smith 1842

James Snook , Joseph Bartlett 1843

John Minchington , Wm. Chancellor 1844

John Sherring 1845

George Bartlett , George Francis 1846

George Francis , Edward Thorne 1847

Geo. Hockey , Henry Arnold 1848

Henry Arnold , Thomas Garrett 1849

John Sherring , Peter Ridout 1850

Thomas Garrett , ?W. Baker 1851

J. Read , P. Ridout 1852

P. Ridout , Mr Baker 1853

Mr Patch , Mr Baker 1854

Mr Patch , Mr Sherring 1854, 1855

Mr Granger 1857

Mr Lanning 1858

Mr Arnold 1859

Mr Hall 1860

Mr Caddy 1861

Mr Sherring 1862

Mr Lanning 1863

Mr Patch 1864

Mr Hall 1865

Mr Caddy 1866

Mr Lanning 1867

Mr Whittle 1868

Mr Buckman 1869

Mr Patch , Mr Caddy 1870

Mr Caddy , Mr Hall 1871


List of Waywardens

Mr Lemon senr., Mr Geo. Bartlett 1840

Mr Geo. Bartlett, Mr John Sherring 1841

Mr John Sherring, Mr Geo. Masters 1842

Mr James Vincent, Mr Geo. Masters 1843

Mr James Vincent, Mr Peter Ridout 1844

Mr Geo. Masters, Mr Jas. Lemon 1845

Mr Jas. Lemon, Mr James Parsons 1846

Mr Geo. Masters, Mr James Parsons 1847

Mr James Read, Mr Joseph Bartlett 1848

Mr Ernest Baker, Mr Joseph Bartlett 1849, 1850

Mr ?S. Masters, Mr Sherring 1851

Mr Granger, Mr Sherring 1852

Mr Sherring , Mr Francis 1853

Mr Masters, Mr Francis 1854

Mr Baker, Mr Stiby 1855

Mr Baker, Mr P. Ridout 1856

Mr Caddy, Mr Patch 1857, 1858

Mr Newman 1859

Mr Newman, Mr Ridout 1860

Mr Ridout, Mr Hall 1861

Mr Hall 1862

Mr Caddy 1863, 1864

Mr Hall 1865

Mr Caddy 1866-1871



At an adjourned Vestry held this day, present Revd. R. Grant, Mr J. Read, G. Bragg,

Mr G Masters, Mr Sherring

John Bishop applied for labour, he was told to apply to Saml. Brook, A. Brook,

H. Arnold and G. Bartlet


17.1. 1845

At a vestry held this day, present Mr J. Bartlett, Mr G. Bragg, J. Vincent and

Mr Chancellor, the Surveyor applied for a rate of ?3d in the pound which was allowed.

Mr Grant not being able to attend it was resolved to adjourn this Vestry to Monday the 20 th instant at 10 in the morning for the Overseers to make up their accounts.



At an adjourned Vestry held this day, present Revd. R. Grant, Mr Vincent,

Mr G. Masters, Mr Parsons, Mr J. Bartlett, Mr Sherring, Mr Chancellor

A rate of 1s in the pound was applied for, and granted. The Overseer was directed to carry into effect the resolution of the Vestry which was passed on Nov. 4 th 1844 relating to Samuel Baker



Mr ?Gillman agreed to pay ?1s per week to the overseer as long as his father is chargeable to the Parish – to commence from this day.

Mr Vincent and Mr Masters are apptd. ?Haywards for the ensuing yr.



The Vicar nominated Mr Vincent, and the Vestry Mr G. Masters to be churchwardens for the ensuing year.

The organ blower was allowed £1.15.0.

It was resolved that Mr Baker be summoned after the Audit for the Arrears due.

The organ blower to be allowed in future £1 per annum.



It appears that Farmers Sherring and Lemon are not employing the number of Labourers which they ought to do. It was unanimously resolved that if they do not forthwith act up to the Agreement entered into on 2 nd October last, that

Mr Castleman, of the College of Winchester , be written to, to inform them hereof.



At a Vestry held this day, present Revd. R. Grant, Mr G. Masters, Mr Sherring,

Mr Parsons, Mr J. Bartlett, Mr P. Ridout

The Overseer’s Accounts were inspected, when it appeared that Wm. Chancellor, one of the Overseers, who has absconded, had collected £29.3.4 ½ ( ½ crossed through), part of a rate due, together with £12.2.5 in hand, and arrears of £1.1.3 ½ , amounting altogether to £42.7.1, out of which ?he paid £20 to the Treasurer of the Union, leaving a deficiency of £22.7.1 to account for. It was resolved that the following advertisment be sent to the Hue and Cry Gazette

“5 Pounds Reward

Whereas William Chancellor, who occupied a Mill in the Parish of Bradford Abbas, Dorset, absconded on or about the 14 th May, leaving his Children chargeable to the Parish, the above reward will be paid by the Parish Officers to any Person who will cause the said Wm. Chancellor to be delivered to them to be dealt with according to the Law. The said Wm. Chancellor is about 50 years of Age, 5 feet 9 in length, slender made, darkish Hair, rather weak and winking eyes, pale complexion, has a stooping and awkward gait. He generally wears leathern small-clothes and gaiters, and had the appearance of a Miller.”

For the quarter ending June 24; there was a Balance due from the Parish Officers of £26.8.11 ½ .

Robert Grant Chairman

George Master

Joseph Bartlett John Sherring

James Parsons Peter Ridout



The Overseers Accounts were inspected up to Michaelmas when there appeared to be a balance of £5.7.11 ½ due from the Overseer exclusive of Wm Chancellor’s defalcation of £22.7.1.



The Overseer was directed to call on Mr Gillman for the allowance which he promised to make towards the maintenance of his father.



The Waywarden was directed to impound any stray cattle.



It was resolved that the Overseer be directed to obtain summonses against

Virtue Garrett, Eliza Parsons and Ann King for leaving their children chargeable to the Parish. It was resolved that the Application be made to the Board of Guardians that there should be an additional Guardian for this Parish in consequence of the duties of that Office being so heavy.



It was agreed this day on the part of the Parish to accept the following offer of

Mr Dunn, viz to take Henry Mitchell in his service etc. the payment of 1s 6d a week to ? expences from Lady day 1846 to Lady day 1847 after which Mr Dunn will undertake to keep him in his business for 5 years free of all expences to the Psh.



The Overseers are requested to summons and get if possible the rate from all out parishioners.



It was resolved that the Overseer apply for a summons for Peter Ridout to show cause why he does not help to support his father.



The Chairman was requested to write to the Poor Law Commissioners to request that they would authorise the striking off of the arrears of Wm. Chancellor from the poor rate, at the recommendation of the Auditor. Samuel Hunt was excused paying the rate.



Mr Vincent offered to put a Pump at the Church well for £2 which was agreed to.



A warrant was obtained against John Bere for leaving his wife and children, but it was not served upon him, the tythingman having gone to Portland in search of him, but he had left. In consequence whereof, a Vestry was held this day Sept 26 to consider what further steps should be taken in the Matter.

It was resolved that no further proceedings be taken at present as it is unknown where he is, but as soon as there is a likelihood of his being apprehended, that he be so.



The adjourned Vestry took place this Day to take into Consideration of Wm. Chancellor’s children.

Adjourned to Nov. 8



It was resolved that Mr Roberts application on behalf of Wm. Chancellor’s children be not entertained by the Parish.

It was unanimously resolved that the Vestry are of the opinion that a coffin for

Sarah Garrett ought not to be provided by the Parish, on the ground that she left articles of property behind her of the value of between £2 and £3, besides some money to the amount it is believed of a Sovereign.




It was resolved that a quarry be opened at Butcher’s bars Hill for the supply of stone for the roads.

Robt. Grant Chairman

George Masters George Bragg Henry Arnold George Hockey

Geo. Tuck Joseph Bartlett James Read



It was resolved that the expenses for engaging Counsel for conducting the prosecution of George Warren be defrayed out of the Church Rate.



Mr Baker and Mr G. Masters reported to the meeting that they had seen

Mr Melmoth and he undertook that 4 Guineas should cover all the expenses attending the prosecution of George Warren .



At a Vestry held this Day to Consider Providing William Cabell with a Woodden Leg and by ?Consulting the Rate payers the Guardian was Recommended to wish

Mr Williams , Medical Gentleman to get one from London .



Mr Ayres (in the margin “John ? Eyears” ) agrees to take a lease of the land for 7 years, and to keep everything in repair for that time.



Resolved, that the Overseer be authorised to advance Two pounds in order to assist

Abner Toop in emigrating.



Mr P. Ridout to form a Committee, to go round the Parish and examine drainage, and cause all obstructions to be removed, as well as heaps of filth near the dwelling Houses, and report, if necessary, to the Vestry any improvements in the sewage, which may tend to the health of the Inhabitants, or any other matter connected with the cleanliness of the Parish, which may fall under their notice. It was resolved that a substantial iron railing be placed on the parapet of Smith’s Bridge at the joint expense of Bradford and Clifton parishes.



That the Waywardens be empowered to impound any stray Cattle on the raods or lanes, and that the Pound be put in good repair forthwith.



It was resolved that Mr Stiby ’s New House be rated at £15 p. Ann.



Mr Grant reported to the Vestry that in consequence of Henry Bragg refusing to ring the morning bell at 6 o’clock from Michaelmas to Lady Day, he resigned the office of Sexton - ? which Mr Grant appointed Solomon Rendall as Sexton.

The attention of the Vestry was called to the encroachment made by George Francis in making a carriage road to his Barton which never existed before. The Parish Officers were directed to make enquiry concerning the same and report to a special Vestry.



It was unanimously resolved that the waywardens do put up immediately two string posts at the top of the street leading from the Church well, so as to prevent wagons or carts from passing beyond the corner of the house occupied by George Francis.



Resolved, that the waywardens wait upon Mr ?Melmoth at their earliest convenience to consult him about taking legal steps against George Francis for cutting down and removing two posts which had been recently erected by the parish at the top of Church-well street



It was resolved that the churchwardens and waywardens and Mr P. Ridout be a committee to go round the Parish and inspect the state of the drains, and privies, and have all heaps of filth removed, and lime thrown where necessary.



It was resolved that Mr Caddy and Mr Peter Ridout be requested to wait on Mr Melmoth to consult him relative to the prosecuting of Francis’s case and report thereon to the Vestry.

It was resolved that Mr Peter Ridout be deputed to provide at Mr Wadman’s necessary articles of clothing for Daniel Garrett to enable him to emigrate to Australia, the sum not to exceed Five Pounds.



It was resolved that the Chairman be requested to write a letter to Mr Clayton detailing the circumstance of the Church well being dry, whereby his tenants, and others, are deprived of the convenience which they have for a length of time enjoyed, and that he be requested to cause it to be put in a state of repair.



Mr Caddy reported to the Vestry Mr Melmoth’s opinion relative to the removal of Mary Ann Stevens to this Parish, viz that he was quite clear that she was chargeable to this parish – and that he would not advise the Parish to resist the order. The Vestry therefore decided that no further steps should be taken in this matter.



Resolved that the application from the Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of ?Llanvsno in Wales for the removing of the children of ?Jonas Pavitt be postponed for future consideration, in order that enquiries might be made respecting their being legally charged on the Parish or no.



It was resolved and carried that the Parish Officers do use every exertion to apprehend Eli Capel who has left his wife and family chargeable on the Parish, to be dealt with according to the Law.

It was resolved and carried that the Overseers do see the Relieving Officer with the view of laying George ?Parsons case before the Board in order to obtain some extra allowance for him as he is bedridden.

It was stated that as Josiah Bragg’s corpse was brought to his sister’s house the day before the funeral, the usual expenses of tolling the Bell and digging his grave were not to be allowed – the Vestry considered this to be unjust, and the Overseer was directed to communicate their sentiments to the Relieving Officer.



Resolved that Mr Ring will be left to the Churchwarden to enquire about. Also

U. Lang’s bill – the other bills were allowed.



Solomon Rendall resigned the office of Sexton.



The Vestry determined to combine the offices of assistant overseer and collector of rates. And appointed Mr Ring to the office at a salary of £4 per year.

C.J. Powys chairman

James Buckman churchwarden

John S. Caddy churchwarden

Samuel Hall

Thomas Patch

James Vincent

Henry Arnold

J.J. Ring

The Vestry very much regrets the absence of the Vicar by reason of severe illness and desires to express their sincere condolence with him and his family.



At a Vestry held this day were present The Revd. C.F. Powys, Mr Caddy, Mr Patch, Mr Arnold, Mr Ring

Mr Hall and Mr Caddy were nominated Overseers

Mr Caddy was nominated Waywarden

Mr Buckman was nominated Guardian of the Parish

Mr Plomer and Mr Mark Ridout were nominated constables

Mr Ring was appointed assistant Overseer



Mr Buckman was appointed Church Warden by the Vicar, and Mr Caddy by the Vestry.

The Vestry agrees to give Mr Arnold £1 a year for attending to the warming apparatus for heating the Church.

If alteration can be made in the distribution of the bread charity, two persons from Clifton Maybank to be selected.

The following account of the subscriptions towards the warming of Bradford Abbas Church , and the expenses there-of, was inserted at the desire of the Vestry held on 11 th April 1871 .

W. Clayton Esq. £10.0.0

Revd. R. Grant £5.0.0

Revd. L.C. Powys £5.0.0

Revd. C.F. Powys £1.0.0

Mr Buckman £5.0.0

Mr Vincent £2.0.0

Mr Caddy £0.10.0

Mr Patch £0.10.0

Mr Harbin £5.0.0

The Revd. W.H. Turner £5.0.0

A. Bridge Esq. £2.2.0

Winchester College £5.0.0

Mrs Shean £0.14.4

Miss Garrett £2.0.0

Mr Digby £5.0.0

Mr Vincent (add sub) £2.4.0



It was agreed to insure the Church for £1000 in the Church of England Insurance Office.

J.W. Valentine chairman

Henry Arnold

J.J. Ring



The extraordinary expenses were discussed. Andrews bill of £28.10.10, Lang’s of £17.19.6 for the rebuilding of the South Wall and clearing of Church respectively were presented.



An application from Mr Job Gill was made for an increase of salary for Organ blowing and the matter was deferred.

The Churchwardens were empowered to arrange about the winding up of the new clock recently presented to the parish by E.C. Clayton Esq. And Albert Clayton Esq.

Gordon Wickham

Albert Clayton

Wm C. Whittle

Henry Arnold

W. Walker

William E. Lang



An application from James Bragg for an increase of salary was then considered. It was agreed that his salary be not increased, but that a special donation of 5/- (five shillings) be granted this year.



It was decided that James Bragg be granted a donation of 5/- this year.



James Bragg was granted an additional 5/- (five shillings) for attending to the Church lamps.




The Revd. Gordon Wickham Vicar

Mr W.C. Whittle Vicar’s Warden

Mr H. Warr Vestry Clerk

Complaints having been made as to the undue haste in extinguishing the lamps on Sundays, it was resolved that in future no lamps are to be extinguished until the congregation have left the Church. The clerk was instructed to notify the present cleaner, J. Bragg, of this resolution.


Date not clear

Mr William Collis Whittle, who has been the Vicar’s Warden for many years, having now left the parish, the Vicar wishes to place on record his deep regret at his departure, and also his sincere appreciation of the valuable services rendered by

Mr Whittle during his years in office.

Church officers

The following were appointed

Mr A. Clayton Parish Warden

Mr Wyndham J. Pomeroy Vicar’s Warden

Messrs R.H. Cooper, W. Lang, J. Leeding, H. Warr Sidemen




Revd Gordon Wickham Vicar

A.Clayton Esq.

Mr W.J. Pomeroy

H. Warr Clerk

Hele’s Charity

It was agreed that as there has been a surplus 4/- in connection with the above charity there should in future be an extra recipient, the number being now 13. It was further agreed that the fund should in future be administered by the Churchwardens.

Further documents at the Dorset History Centre re. Hele’s Charity

PE/BRA/CH/1/1 Original documents


Handwritten note:

Extract from Boswell’s Charities of Dorset

“Sir John Hele, serjeant-at-law of Wembury, Devon , by ---- dated ----- (he died

4 June 1608 ) gave a rent charge to be paid out of his estate at Clifton , for the benefit of the second poor of this parish – vested in the Marques of Anglesea and the minister, churchwardens and overseers.

Annual produce £2.12.0”


Letter, dated 24 th May 1895

My Dear Wickham,

I have been making enquiries re Hele’s Charity Bradford Abbas and have ascertained that

  1. it is not an Ecclesiastical but a Parochial Charity
  2. that the will does not require the bread to be given in church, or impose on the recipients the necessity of attending church services to participate in the distribution
  3. those in receipt of relief are in-eligible hence the really poor most deserving of assistance are excluded. Unless the P.C. unanimously, or by a majority, decide to interfere, and alter the existing administration of Hele’s Charity I see no necessity for any change. Will you kindly let Mr Walker have this letter so that it may be brought before the next P.C. meeting.
  4. Yours sincerely
  5. Albert Clayton


Typewritten document

Sir John Hele’s Charity

The Trustees of the above Charity have permission of the Charity Commission to administer the Charity in the following fashion

The yearly income of the Charity may be applied by the Trustees of the Charity in the supply of Clothes, Boots, Linen, bedding, Fuel, Tools, Medical or other aid in sickness, Food or any other articles in kind to such poor persons resident in one of the Parishes of Bradford Abbas and Clifton Maubank and not in receipt of Poor-law relief other than medical relief, as the Trustees select for this purpose.

The Trustees will make this change on Dec 31 st 1945 , after which the Charity will be administered as above.

G.V. Kendrick Vicar

Thomas Patch)

E.C. ?Foeden) Churchwardens

Trustees of Sir John Hele’s Charity

November 3 rd 1945



The matter of letting the “Post” was considered. It was suggested that it might be disposed of as a possible building site. The matter was left for further consideration.



The Vicar presided. There were also present Col. C.E. Duff, C.B.; Messrs John Lang, John Rodber and the Clerk (Mr H. Warr)

The Vicar proposed and Col. Duff seconded “That the Vestry approves the plans submitted to it and prays for a faculty in due course” Carried

This concluded the business of the meeting

Gordon Wickham chairman

C.E. Duff

Wyndham Pomeroy

John Lang

John Rodber

Harry Warr



Canon Wickham proposed and Col. Duff seconded “That the Insurance of £1000 now paid in for the Church be increased to £3000” This was carried.

Proposed by Canon Wickham and seconded by Col. Duff “That a small committee should be appointed consisting of the Vicar and Churchwardens, Col C.E. Duff and Mr J. Lang with power to add to this number to consider whether there is a real demand for additional cottage accommodation and if so to suggest and report upon the means of obtaining the same.” Carried

Gordon Wickham Vicar

Albert Clayton

Wyndham Pomeroy

Richd. Jeffery

John Lang

William E. Lang

C.E. Duff

Harry Warr Clerk



Mr Pomeroy suggested that the Clerk write to the Church cleaner that the Churchwardens require the Church to be cleaned on Mondays (sweeping) and before Festivals.

It was agreed that the assistant blower’s salary be increased by 2/6.



At the Vicar’s suggestion with the Vestry’s unanimous approval, the clerk was asked to write to Mrs Cooper expressing thanks for her service as organist during the absence of Miss Wills.

Col. Duff pro. and Mr Lang seconded that an ?increase of 10/- be given to

Mr Hutchings the Church lamps attendant on condition that he prepares the lamps for special services.



The Vestry decided that Mr Denslow the Church cleaner should be paid at the rate of 2/- weekly plus 1/- each Festival.

It was also decided to grant the promised increase of 10/- to Mr Hutchings the lamp attendant.



It was decided to increase the organist’s salary by £5


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