
1851 CENSUS HO107-1858

Kindly transcribed and donated to the OPC Project by John Ridout


SchdAddressForenamesSurnameRel.CSexAgeOccupationCHPPlace of birthDis.FolioPage
1DewlishHenryBESTHeadM M37Farm BailiffDORDewlish  3251
  MaryBESTWifeM F37 DORFordington  3251
  LouisaDAMENVisitr UF40Farmers DaughterDORFordington  3251
  LucySHOUDServnt UF40ServantDORPuddletown  3251
  MarthaMULLETTServnt UF16ServantDORBuckland  3251
2 CGREENHeadM M35Carter Ag LabDORToller Porcorum  3251
  HanahGREENWifeM F34Work on the FarmDORToller Porcorum  3251
  JamesGREENSon  M10Plough boyDORToller Porcorum  3251
  TGREENSon  M9Plough boyDORNether Cerne  3251
  GeorgeGREENSon  M6 DORCharminster  3251
  FredericGREENSon  M3 DORStratton  3251
  AlfredGREENSon  M1 DORDewlish  3251
3Chebbard FarmRob’tROGERSHead MM39Farmer 380 acre emp 22 labDOR Milton Abbas 3251
  Honor CROGERSWife MF39 DORTurners Puddle  3251
  RobertROGERSSon  M9ScholarDORDewlish  3251
  AnneBESANTVisitr UF24Farmers DaughterDORWinterborne Kingston  3251
4 SarahVINCENTHeadW F68Pauper Ag LabDORBurlestone  3262
  JamesVINCENTSon WM39Ag LabDORBurlestone  3262
  Mary AneVINCENTDau  F8ScholarDORFordington  3262
  Sarah JaneVINCENTDau  F6ScholarDORFordington  3262
5 JamesTRIMHeadM M31Carter Ag LabDORPuddletown  3262
  BetsyTRIMWifeM F34Indoor ServantDORToller Porcorum  3262
  EdwardTRIMSon  M7ScholarDORPuddletown  3262
  EmilyTRIMDau  F6ScholarDORPuddletown  3262
  WTRIMSon  M5ScholarDORPuddletown  3262
6 JamesSQUIBHeadM M41Ag LabDORLong Bredy  3262
  MarySQUIBWifeM F40 DORNether Cerne  3262
  JamesSQUIBSonU M18LabDORGodmanstone  3262
  MarySQUIBDau  F12ServantDORGodmanstone  3262
  ElizaSQUIBDau  F8ScholarDORGodmanstone  3262
  SarahSQUIBDau  F5ScholarDORGodmanstone  3262
7 HenryRIGGSHeadM M34Shepherd Ag LabDOREast Chaldon  3262
  AnneRIGGSWifeM F40Monthly NurseDORWinterborne Kingston  3262
  JohnRIGGSSon  M13Ag LabDORMapperton  3263
  MaryRIGGSDau  F10ScholarDORWinterborne Kingston  3263
8 JamesBARTLETTHeadM M56GrocerDORDorchester  3263
  CharlotteBARTLETTWife MF56 DORDewlish  3263
  ElizaBARTLETTDau UF16 DORDewlish  3263
  CharlotteBARTLETTDau UF11ScholarDORMuston  3263
9 FredericVINCENTHeadM M44CarpenterDORDewlish  3263
  AnneVINCENTWife MF41SchoolmistressDORBuckland Newton  3263
10 JosephMORGANHeadM M31Ag LabDORMilton Abbas  3263
  HarrietMORGANWife MF25 DORHaselbury  3263
  ElizabethMORGANDau  F2 DORDewlish  3263
  CMORGANSon  M1m DORDewlish  3263
11 StephenCUTLERHeadM M31Ag LabDORDewlish  3263
  MaryCUTLERWifeM F23 WILWest Tytherly  3263
  JaneCUTLERDau  F2 WILWest Tytherly  3263
  EllenCUTLERDau  F8m DORDewlish  3263
12 EmanuelCROSSHeadM M40WoodmanDORDewlish  3274
  MaryCROSSWifeM F27 HAMRomsey  3274
  JohnCROSSSon  M4 HAMMichelmersh  3274
  AnneCROSSDau  F3 HAMMichelmersh  3274
  PrudenceCROSSDau  F1 DORDewlish  3274
13 JosephKNIGHTHeadM M32Carter Ag LabWILWallop  3274
  SarahKNIGHTWife MF28 DORSalisbury  3274
  MarthaKNIGHTDau  F7ScholarDORCheselbourne  3274
  JohnKNIGHTSon  M5ScholarDORDewlish  3274
  PriscillaKNIGHTDau  F3 DORDewlish  3274
  ThomasKNIGHTSon  M9 DORDewlish  3274
14 LucyGOULSONHeadU F67Pauper Labs widowDORDewlish  3274
  SusanRIGGSLodger UF56Pauper ButtonerDORDewlish  3274
  Sarah AnneGAULTONLodger UF23Work WomanDORDewlish  3274
15 SamuelVINCENTHeadW M71Retired MasonDORDewlish  3274
16 EliasALNERHeadM M23Ag LabDORDewlish  3274
  LouisaALNERWife MF23 DORSherborne  3274
17 RobertALNERHeadW M72ServantDORDewlish  3275
  W’mALNERGrnson UM22Ag LabDORDewlish  3275
  DinahALNERGrndau UF20 DORDewlish  3275
  Mary AnneFOOTGrndau  F7ScholarDORDewlish  3275
  SarahALNERGrndau  F3 DORDewlish  3275
18 JaneCUTLERHeadW F66WasherwomanDORDewlish  3275
  JohnCUTLERSonU M32Ag LabDORDewlish  3275
  ElizabethCUTLERDau UF28WorkwomanDORDewlish  3275
  JohnBISCOMBELodger MM50MasonDORSherborne  3275
19 HenrySAMWAYSHeadM M33Ag Lab ThatcherDORPortesham  3275
  Mary AneSAMWAYSWife MF35 DORSydling  3275
  HarrietSAMWAYSDau UF12Work on FarmDORPortesham  3275
  ThomasSAMWAYSSon  M10Ag LabDORPortesham  3275
  Sarah AnneSAMWAYSDau  F8ScholarDORMadden  3275
  HesterSAMWAYSDau  F6ScholarDORPortesham  3275
  GeorgeSAMWAYSSon  M9m DORDewlish  3275
20 JohnPENNYHeadM M75Pauper Ag LabSOMYeovil  3286
  JanePENNYWifeM F64 DORDewlish  3286
21 BetsyVINCENTHeadW F54LaundressDORDewlish  3286
  JosephLEGGLodger UM28GardenerDORDewlish  3286
22 GeorgeCOLEHeadM M42CordwainerDORWoolland  3286
  HannahCOLEWifeM F42 DORWoolland  3286
  Mary AneCOLEDau UF17GrocerDORDewlish  3286
  CharlesCOLESon  M15CordwainerDORDewlish  3286
  CarolineCOLEDau  F10ScholarDORDewlish  3286
  Sarah AnnCOLEDau  F2 DORDewlish  3286
23 W’mANTHONYHead WM66Pauper Ag LabDORMilborne  3286
  TomasahANTHONYDau UF26 DORDewlish  3286
24 JosephBARNETTHeadW M35ShoemakerDORStourpaine  3286
  Joseph SBARNETTSon  M8ScholarDORDewlish  3286
  CarolineBARNETTDau  F3 DORDewlish  3286
  JohnDURMANFa-law WM69Retired GrocerDORPuddletown  3286
  ElizaBRETTServnt UF30ServantDORDewlish  3287
25 JamesCUTLERHeadM M34Baker MasterDORDewlish  3287
  MaryCUTLERWifeM F34 LND   3287
  SarahCUTLERDauU F8ScholarDORDewlish  3287
  CarolineCUTLERDau  F6ScholarDORDewlish  3287
  JaneCUTLERDau  F4ScholarDORDewlish  3287
  EllenCUTLERDau  F5m DORDewlish  3287
26 SamuelSHAVEHeadM M33Tailor MasterDORWhitechurch  3287
  ElizabethSHAVEWife MF31 SOMFroome  3287
  AlfredSHAVESon  M4ScholarDORWhitechurch  3287
  WalterSHAVESon  M2 DORWhitechurch  3287
  MathewFOSTERLodger UM21WoodmanDORWhitechurch  3287
27 JohnELSWOODHeadM M21Ag Lab ShepherdDORWoolland  3287
  EmilyELSWOODWife MF22 DORAbbey Milton  3287
28 JamesARNOLDHeadM M23Ag LabDORCheselbourne  3287
  Mary AnnARNOLDWife MF22 DORKnighton  3287
  MaryARNOLDDau  F11m DORDewlish  3298
29 AnneBURTHeadM F70Pauper Malsters wifeDORDewlish  3298
30 SarahDAYHeadW F47WasherwomanDORDewlish  3298
  JohnDAYSonU M13ServantDORDewlish  3298
  HenryDAYSon  M11ScholarDORDewlish  3298
31 CALNERHeadM M21Ag Lab CarterDORDewlish  3298
  FrancesALNERWife MF29 DORWhitechurch  3298
32 AnneRIGGSHeadW F76Pauper LabDORUp Cerne  3298
  BetseyRIGGSDauU F45 DORDewlish  3298
33 AdamVINCENTHeadM M61CarpenterDORDewlish  3298
  SusanVINCENTWife MF60 DORDewlish  3298
  CharlesVINCENTSon WM34BakerDORDewlish  3298
  FrancesVINCENTDau UF17 DORDewlish  3298
  FredVINCENTGrnson  M7ScholarDORDewlish  3298
  W’mVINCENTGrnson  M5ScholarDORDewlish  3298
34 MorganMARSHHeadM M30CordwainerDORWoolland  3299
  SarahMARSHWifeM F28 DORLychet  3299
  AnneMARSHDau  F7ScholarDORDewlish  3299
  HenryMARSHSon  M5ScholarDORDewlish  3299
  HenryYOUNGLodger UM19CordwainerDORShillingstone  3299
35 GeorgeBROWNHeadM M41Ag LabDORDewlish  3299
  JaneBROWNWifeM F40 DORWhatcombe  3299
  JohnBROWNSonU M17 DORPoole  3299
  AnneBROWNDau  F16 DORDewlish  3299
  EliBROWNSon  M8 DORDewlish  3299
  TomasonBROWNDau  F6ScholarDORDewlish  3299
  DanielSNELLINGLodger WM79PensionerDORDewlish  3299
36 W’mCRITCHELHead MM24Ag LabDORPiddlehinton  3299
  MaryCRITCHELWife MF21 DORDewlish  3299
  AlbertCRITCHELSon  M2 DORDewlish  3299
37 RerbeccaADAMSHeadW F47Farm WorkDORDewlish  3299
  WilliamADAMSSon UM18Ag LabDORDewlish  3299
  CharlesADAMSSon  M8Ag LabDORDewlish  33010
38 JosephSQUIBHeadM M53BakerDORDewlish  33010
  JaneSQUIBWifeM F59 DORDewlish  33010
  JamesPURCHASEVisitr  M14ScholarDORDewlish  33010
39 GeorgeMAINHeadM M29Shoemaker MasterDORHilton  33010
  SarahMAINWifeM F33 DORLangton Herring  33010
  EstherPOPLEMa-law WF70Former servantDORStoke Abbott  33010
40 JamesGAULTONHeadM M48Ag LabDORDewlish  33010
  TheresaGAULTONWife MF42 DORDewlish  33010
  HarrietGAULTONDau UF14ScholarDORDewlish  33010
  RobertGAULTONSon  M11Ag LabDORDewlish  33010
  AlfredGAULTONSon  M7ScholarDORDewlish  33010
  CarolineGAULTONDau  F4ScholarDORDewlish  33010
41 JosephRIGGSHeadM M41Ag LabDORDewlish  33010
  Mary AnneRIGGSWife MF46 DORDewlish  33010
  RobertRIGGSSonU M16Ag LabDORDewlish  33010
  ElizabethRIGGSDau UF12ScholarDORDewlish  33011
  MelenaRIGGSDau  F9ScholarDORDewlish  33011
  ElizaRIGGSDau  F6ScholarDORDewlish  33011
  LeviRIGGSSon  M1 DORDewlish  33011
42 CGAULTONHeadM M54Ag LabDORDewlish  33011
  JameGAULTONWife MF37 DORDewlish  33011
  SamuelGAULTONSon UM18 DORDewlish  33011
  AugustusGAULTONSon  M14 DORDewlish  33011
  MatildaGAULTONDau  F11ScholarDORDewlish  33011
  ElishaGAULTONSon  M7ScholarDORDewlish  33011
43 AnneCROSSHeadW F82AnnuitantDORDewlish  33011
  HannahCROSSDauU F50AnnuitantDORDewlish  33011
  HannahCROSSGrndau  F6AnnuitantHAMRomsey  33011
  ElizabethFRAMPTONLodger WF58AnnuitantDORDewlish  33011
  RobertFRAMPTONLodger UM24Ag LabDORCheselbourne  33011
u             33011
44 CharlesCAINSHeadM M25Ag LabDORDellcombe  33011
  JameCAINSWifeM F26 DORCheselbourne  33011
45 RalphBARTLETTHeadM M21Ag LabDORHilton  33112
  SarahBARTLETTWife MF22 HAMLyndhurst  33112
  CharlotteBARTLETTDau  F1 DORDewlish  33112
  MaryVINCENTLodger UF57Work womanDORRawstone  33112
46 ThomasSHENERHeadW M52Proprietor HousesDORGaulton  33112
47 SamBROWNHeadM M46Ag Lab CarterDORDewlish  33112
  SarahBROWNWifeM F30 DORDorchester  33112
  SamuelBROWNSon  M11Ag Lab Plough boyDORDewlish  33112
  DinahBROWNDau  F10ScholarDORDewlish  33112
  CarolineBROWNDau  F7ScholarDORDewlish  33112
  HenryBROWNSon  M4ScholarDORDewlish  33112
  Albert JohnBROWNSon  M1 DORDewlish  33112
48 JohnVINCENTHeadM M30Ag LabDORDewlish  33112
  HanahVINCENTWife MF34 DORDewlish  33112
  AnneVINCENTDau  F3m DORDewlish  33112
49 JonathanVINCENTHead MM40Ag LabDORDewlish  33112
  SusannaVINCENTWife MF44 DORPlush  33113
  AsolomVINCENTSon UM16Ag LabDORDewlish  33113
  LydiaVINCENTDau  F11ScholarDORDewlish  33113
  JacobVINCENTSon  M8ScholarDORDewlish  33113
  EmilyVINCENTDau  F3 DORDewlish  33113
50 CCUTLERHeadM M40 DORDewlish  33113
  FannyCUTLERWife MF35 DORDewlish  33113
  LouisaCUTLERDau  F4ScholarDORDewlish  33113
  HesterCUTLERDau  F1 DORDewlish  33113
51 WCUTLERHeadW M55Ag LabDORDewlish  33113
  MaryCUTLERDauU F17 DORDewlish  33113
  MaryanneCUTLERDau  F14ScholarDORDewlish  33113
52 CVINCENTHeadM M48Ag LabDORDewlish  33113
  HarriettVINCENTWife MF38 DORBere Regis  33113
  CarolineVINCENTDau  F16 DORDewlish  33113
  ElizaVINCENTDau  F11ScholarDORDewlish  33113
  ElizabethVINCENTDau  F4 DORDewlish  33113
  SusanVINCENTDau  F2 DORDewlish  33214
53 CBUSSELLHeadM M40Ag Lab CarterDORCheselbourne  33214
  MaryBUSSELLWife MF45work on FarmHAMRingwood  33214
  Mary AnneBUSSELLDau UF20 DORWoolland  33214
  SarahBUSSELLDau  F18 DORWoolland  33214
  CarolineBUSSELLDau  F17 DORWoolland  33214
  CBUSSELLSon  M15 DORFifehead  33214
  SelenaBUSSELLDau  F12 DORWhitechurch  33214
  AmeliaBUSSELLDau  F10ScholarDORDewlish  33214
  JohnBUSSELLSon  M8ScholarDORWhitechurch  33214
  W’mBUSSELLSon  M4 DORWoolland  33214
  ElizabethBUSSELLDau  F1 DORWoolland  33214
54 JohnTURNERHeadM M22PlumberWILNewton Bradley  33214
  ElizaTURNERWife MF18 DORMilton Abbas  33214
55 W’mMOREYHeadM M35Ag LabDORDewlish  33214
  ElizabethMOREYWife MF29 DORToller  33214
  W’mMOREYSon  M8m DORDewlish  33214
  JosephMOREYFa-law WM82Pauper ShoemakerDEVVenton  33215
56 ElizabethSHEPHERDHead UF29 DORCheselbourne  33215
57 JamesBESTHeadM M49GrocerDORWhitechurch  33215
  SarahBESTWifeM F42Ag LabDORDewlish  33215
  JohnBESTSonU M23 DORWhitechurch  33215
58 FrancisDUNFORDHeadM M51Ag LabDORToller  33215
  AnneDUNFORDWife MF61 DORToller  33215
  CharlesDUNFORDSon UM25ShepherdDORToller  33215
59 AndrewGUYHeadM M22BlacksmithDORPuddletown  33215
  SarahGUYWifeM F28 DORAbbey Milton  33215
  WalterGUYSon  M1 DORAbbey Milton  33215
60 RobertFOOTHeadM M28WoodmanDORDewlish  33215
  SusannaFOOTWife MF29 DORAbbey Milton  33215
  HenryFOOTSon  M4ScholarDORDewlish  33215
  FrancisFOOTSon  M1 DORDewlish  33215
61 HenryFOOTHeadM M31WoodmanDORDewlish  33316
  JaneFOOTWifeM F31 DORAbbey Milton  33316
  AlbertFOOTSon  M3 DORDewlish  33316
  JamesFOOTSon  M1 DORDewlish  33316
62 CCROCKERHeadW M67BailiffDORPiddletrenthide  33316
  AnneSTOCK-  F51HousekeeperDEVLinton  33316
63 MarthaALNERHeadW F68AnnuitantDORSturminster Newton  33316
64 JohnHOMESHeadM M57Ag LabDORCerne  33316
  AnneHOMESWifeM F66 DORCompton  33316
  GeorgeHOMESSonU M21 DORAlton  33316
  MarthaFOOTSislaw MF64Keepers wifeDORCompton  33316
  EllenRIGGSVisitr  F2 DORCheselbourne  33316
65 ThomasFRAMPTONHeadM M56Ag LabDORDewlish  33316
  SusanFRAMPTONWife MF63 DORDewlish  33316
  JosephFRAMPTONSon UM20 DORDewlish  33316
66 GeorgeRIGGSHeadM M38Miller emp 2 labDORDewlish  33317
  MaryRIGGSWifeM F40 DORDewlish  33317
  MaryRIGGSDau  F10ScholarDORDewlish  33317
  SarahRIGGSDau  F8 DORDewlish  33317
  GeorgeRIGGSSon  M5 DORDewlish  33317
  ElizabethRIGGSDau  F1 DORDewlish  33317
  JaneVINCENTServnt UF33House ServantDORDewlish  33317
67 CPAINTERHeadM M46Ag LabDORPiddlehinton  33317
  FrancesPAINTERWife MF41 DORPiddletrenthide  33317
  AlfredPAINTERSon UM21 DORPiddletrenthide  33317
  GeorgePAINTERSon  M16 DORPiddletrenthide  33317
  CharlesPAINTERSon  M13 DORKingstone  33317
  EmmaPAINTERDau  F11 DORPiddletrenthide  33317
  RobertPAINTERSon  M8ScholarDORPiddletrenthide  33317
  FredericPAINTERSon  M6ScholarDORFordington  33317
  ArthurPAINTERSon  M3 DORFordington  33317
  HenryPAINTERSon  M8m DORDewlish  33317
68 SarahBRETTHeadU F32Lodging house KeeperOVNewfoundland  33418
  EmilyBRETTDau  F3 DORDewlish  33418
  SamuelDRAKELodger WM75Pauper LabDORDewlish  33418
  BenjaminVINCENTLodger UM76Pauper LabDORDewlish  33418
  MaryRIGGSLodger WF65Pauper WasherDORCheselbourne  33418
  ALEGGLodgerM M24Ag LabDORDewlish  33418
  AnneLEGGLodgerM F22Ag LabSOMEast Coker  33418
  CLEGGLodgerU M21Ag LabDORDewlish  33418
  SolomanDINNETTLodger UM24Ag LabDORDewlish  33418
69 JohnADAMSHeadW M73Ag LabDORDewlish  33418
  JaneADAMSDauU F34Ag LabDORDewlish  33418
70 GeorgeFOOTHeadM M36Ag LabDORDewlish  33418
  DelidahFOOTWife MF35Ag LabDORCheselbourne  33418
  JaneFOOTDauU F13ScholarDORDewlish  33418
  SabinaFOOTDau  F9ScholarDORDewlish  33418
  SalenaFOOTDau  F6ScholarDORDewlish  33418
  SarahFOOTDau  F1 DORDewlish  33418
  WilliamFOOTUncle UM68Ag LabDORDewlish  33418
u             33418
71 GeorgePAINHeadM M26Ag Lab ThatcherDORDewlish  33419
  FannyPAINWifeM F26 DORDewlish  33419
  SydneyPAINSon  M2 DORDewlish  33419
  HenryPAINSon  M5m DORDewlish  33419
72 ThomasBROWNHeadM M49Ag LabDORDewlish  33419
  ElizaBROWNWifeM F49 DORHilton  33419
  JobCORNICKLodger UM37 DORHook  33419
  W’mDINNETTLodger UM21 DORDewlish  33419
  ThomasRIGGSLodger UM21 DORTincleton  33419
73 EdmundRIGGSHeadM M62MasonDORDewlish  33419
  ElizabethRIGGSWife MF75 DORTolpuddle  33419
  W’mRIGGSSon UM27Ag LabDORTolpuddle  33419
  HonnorRIGGSDauU F22Work on FarmDORDewlish  33419
  ElizabethRIGGSGrndau  F2 DORDewlish  33419
  ElizaRIGGSDauU F19 DORDewlish  33419
  CharlesRIGGSSon  M10 DORDewlish  33419
  Mary AnneRIGGSDau  F1m DORDewlish  33419
u             33419
74 AmeliaMORRISHeadW F54SchoolmistressJSY   33520
75 MaryBARTERHeadW F70PauperDORDewlish  33520
  SarahBARTERGrndau UF18Pauper NurseDORMilton Abbas  33520
76 JaneFOOTHeadW F61Ag Labs widowDORDewlish  33520
  FredericFOOTSon UM24WoodmanDORDewlish  33520
  CharlesFOOTSon  M15Ag LabDORDewlish  33520
77 JosephBURDENHeadM M41Ag LabDORBockhampton  33520
  MariaBURDENWife MF40 DORPuddletown  33520
  JamesBURDENSon  M16 DORPuddletown  33520
  JaneBURDENDau  F9ScholarDORFordington  33520
  FredBURDENSon  M7 DORPuddletown  33520
  HarryBURDENSon  M3 DORDewlish  33520
  ThomasBURDENSon  M1 DORDewlish  33520
78 EmanuelADAMSHeadM M22Ag LabDORDewlish  33520
  FannyADAMSWifeM F29 DORDewlish  33520
  SamuelADAMSSon  M2 DORDewlish  33520
79 W’mADAMSHeadM M39Ag LabDORDewlish  33521
  JaneADAMSWifeM F32 DORBurlestone  33521
  FrancesADAMSDau UF13ScholarDORDewlish  33521
  CarolineADAMSDau  F10ScholarDORDewlish  33521
  JohnADAMSSon  M8ScholarDORDewlish  33521
  HenryADAMSSon  M5ScholarDORDewlish  33521
  MaryADAMSDau  F2 DORDewlish  33521
  MargarettaADAMSDau  F2m DORDewlish  33521
  JamesRIGGSLodger UM21Ag LabDORDewlish  33521
80 JohnGAULTONHeadW M38Ag LabDORDewlish  33521
  DonahGAULTONDau UF16work on FarmDORDewlish  33521
  HenryGAULTONSon  M15Ag LabDORDewlish  33521
  ElizaGAULTONDau  F11ScholarDORDewlish  33521
  SarahGAULTONGranma WF75PauperDORDewlish  33521
81 JaneALNERHeadW F47Pauper Ag Labs widowDORFordington  33521
  ElishiaALNERDau UF25Work on FarmDORCheselbourne  33521
  JacobALNERSonU M15Ag LabDORDewlish  33521
  ElizabethALNERDau  F12ScholarDORDewlish  33521
  LeviALNERSon  M6ScholarDORDewlish  33622
82 RobertDAWHeadM M74Pauper MasonSOMYeovil  33622
  MaryDAWWifeM F64PauperIRLListhop  33622
83 W’mADAMSHeadM M41Ag LabDORDewlish  33622
  AnneADAMSWifeM F48 DOREvershot  33622
  CharlotteADAMSDau UF16School TeacherDORCerne  33622
  ElizabethADAMSDau  F14ScholarDORDewlish  33622
  CharlesADAMSSon  M12ScholarDORDewlish  33622
  GeorgeADAMSSon  M7ScholarDORDewlish  33622
84 JohnGAULTONHeadU M46Ag LabDORDewlish  33622
  CharlesGAULTONNephew UM21Ag LabDORDewlish  33622
85 ThomasGAULTONHeadM M57Ag LabDORDewlish  33622
  JaneGAULTONWife MF53 DORKingstone  33622
  RosannaGAULTONDau UF23 DORDewlish  33622
  HildahGAULTONDau UF17 DORDewlish  33622
  LeviGAULTONSon  M11Ag Lab Plough BoyDORDewlish  33622
  SolomanGAULTONSon UM9Ag Lab Plough BoyDORDewlish  33623
86 SarahBURTHeadW F75Pauper Ag Labs widowDORPuddletown  33623
  CBURTSonM M52Ag LabDORDewlish  33623
87 JosephPAYNEHeadM M61Ag LabDORDewlish  33623
  JanePAYNEWifeM F59 DORDewlish  33623
  RobertPAYNESonU M32ServantDORDewlish  33623
  EdwinPAYNESon  M21Ag Lab ThatcherDORDewlish  33623
  W’mANDREWSVisitr UM71Ag LabDORDewlish  33623
88 DemasVINCENTHeadM M79former SailorDORDewlish  33623
  SusanVINCENTWife MF76 IRLAthlone  33623
89 JosephVINEHeadM M44Inn KeeperDORLittlebredy  33623
  ElizabethVINEWife MF42 DORCharminster  33623
  Mary AnneVINEDau UF15 DORCharminster  33623
  JohnVINESon  M13 DORFrampton  33623
  ChristopherVINESon  M11 DORFrampton  33623
  ElizabethVINEDau  F6 DORFrampton  33623
  Mary ACOOKReltiv MF42LaundressSOMWhite Maunton  33724
  ThomasCOOKRltson  M3 DORAdminstone  33724
90 John SALNERHeadM M47BlacksmithDORDewlish  33724
  ThomasonALNERWife MF38 DORMilton Abbas  33724
  EmelyALNERDauU F14 DORDewlish  33724
  FrancesALNERDau  F12 DORDewlish  33724
  ElizabethALNERDau  F10 DORDewlish  33724
  AmeniaALNERDau  F3 DORDewlish  33724
  WilliamALNERSon  M3w DORDewlish  33724
91 JamesTHOMASHeadM M26Ag LabDORDoles Ash  33724
  JaneTHOMASWifeM F25 DORMilton Abbas  33724
92 JohnDRAKEHeadM M36Game KeeperDORAbbotsbury  33724
  PrudenceDRAKEWife MF29 DORStickland  33724
  JohnDRAKESon  M6ScholarDORBryanstone  33724
  EdwinDRAKESon  M3 DORBryanstone  33724
  GeorgeDRAKESon  M1 DORDewlish  33724
93 Cha’sHEDDITCHHead MM62DairymanDORGillingham  33725
  JaneHEDDITCHWife MF73DairywomanHAMWinchester  33725
  WilliamHEDDITCHSon MM33DairymanDORCanford  33725
  PricillaHEDDITCHDaulaw MF25DairywomanDORGillingham  33725
  EmilyHEDDITCHGrndau UF7ScholarDORInflark  33725
  FredericHEDDITCHGrnson  M5ScholarDOREast Chelborough  33725
94 RichardSNELLINGHead MM50GardenerDORDewlish  33725
  ElizaSNELLINGWife MF47 DORDewlish  33725
  MarySNELLINGDau UF18MillinerHAMFordingbridge  33725
95 GeorgeFRAMPTONHeadM M52Ag LabDORCheselbourne  33725
  AnneFRAMPTONWife MF47 DORDewlish  33725
96 JohnDINNETTHeadM M47Ag Lab ShepherdDORShaftesbury  33725
  JaneDINNETTWife MF30 DORSydling  33725
  IsaacDINNETTSon  M1 DORDewlish  33725
  AnneDINNETTAunt UF37WasherwomanSOMFroome  33725
97 W’mSYMESHeadM M54Brewer Farmer 560a emp 18 LabDORAbbotsbury  33826
  SarahSYMESWifeM F54 DORLitton Cheney  33826
  W’mSYMESSon UM26 DORCheddington  33826
  Agnes JaneSYMESDau UF24 DORDewlish  33826
  MarianneSYMESDau UF23 DORDewlish  33826
  JosephSYMESSonU M22 DORDewlish  33826
  HenrySYMESSon  M16 DORDewlish  33826
  JohnBRYANTVisitr UM22Farmers sonDORSwyer  33826
  SarahHANSFORDServnt UF50House ServantDORLitton Cheney  33826
  BenjaminWELLMANServnt UM40Farm Servant MaltsterDOR Puddletown 33826
  RewbenGAULTONServnt  M16Farm Servant MaltsterDOR Dewlish 33826
98 JohnWALMSLEYHeadM M75Landed ProprietorLANPreston  33826
  EllenWALMSLEYWife MF64 WILSandridge  33826
  Ellen MaryWALMSLEYDau UF31SpinsterSOMBath  33826
  Anne KatherineWALMSLEYDau UF23SpinsterSOMBath  33826
  Anne MargaretteWALMSLEYDau UF21SpinsterSOMBath  33826
  RichardWALMSLEYSon MM34Barister out of PracticeSOM Bath 33826
  Ann ElizaWALMSLEYDaulaw MF23 DORLyttleton  33826
  Mary AnnRUSSELLVisitr UF34Fund HolderOVBEast Indies  33826
  HenryWRAY-M M50Rector of Tawstock DevonDEVTavistock  33827
  ElenWRAY-M F50 KENGreat Chart  33827
  W’mBASTONEServnt UM38ButlerDEVSidmouth  33827
  GeorgeSARGENTServnt UM23Man ServantHAMBishops Waltham  33827
  AnneRIDOUTServnt UF45House KeeperDORGlanvilles Wootton  33827
  JaneLITTLEServnt UF30LadysmaidWILWinsley  33827
  MaryELDRIDGEServnt UF28LadysmaidLEITubberham  33827
  FannyPALMERServnt UF29HousemaidDORCerne Abbas  33827
  MaryBELLServntU F20HousemaidHAMMorleywood Lymington  33827
  ElizabethKNOTTServnt UF19ScullerymaidHAMNorth Stoneham  33827
  GeorgeMARCHESONServnt MM41CoachmanLANBlackburn  33827
  W’mOLDServnt UM25GroomDORWhitechurch  33827
  ElizabethCULLUNServnt WF34LadysmaidDEVExeter  33827
  JohnDOMINYServnt UM27GroomDORShroton  33827
  ElizabethWHITEServnt UF24E Wrays LadysmaidDEVTavistock  33827

End of the 1851 Census for Dewlish

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