
Electoral Registers 1920-1921

Source: Dorset Electoral Registers and Poll Books. Dorset History Centre
Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Colin Jackson

 The Register contains the names in either alphabetical or street order, as shows herein, of all persons entitled to vote as 
 parliamentary and as local government electors. 
 The index letters in column 2 [a] headed "Parliamentary," or 2 [b] headed "Local Govt." of the Register show the nature of 
 the qualification of an elector, as follows: - 
     R. = Residence qualification. 
     B.P. = Business premises qualification. 
     O. = Occupation qualification. 
     H.O. = Qualification through husband's occupation. 
     N.M. = Naval or military qualification. 
 The entry of the appropriate index letter or letters against a name in the column 2 [a] headed "Parliamentary" indicates that 
 the elector is a parliamentary elector, and the appropriate index letter or letters against a name in the column 2 [b] headed 
 "Local Govt." indicates that the elector is a local government elector. Where no index letter is entered in one or other of 
 those columns against a name, the elector is not entitled to the franchise to which the column relates. 
 NOTE: -† Persons against whose names the mark † is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at 
  Elections of County Councillors. 
  ‡ Persons against whose names the mark ‡ is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at 
  Elections of Rural District Councillors or Guardians. 
  § Persons against whose names the mark § is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry in 
  the case of a Borough or Urban District at Elections for Borough or District Councillors as the case may 
  be and in the case of a Parish at Elections for Parish Councillors or at Parish Meetings. 
  * Persons against whose names the mark * is placed will vote at another polling place at Parliamentary 
  a Persons against whose names the letter a is placed are absent voters. 
 Dated this 15th day of May, 1920. 
 DORCHESTER. Registration Officer. 
 [1] [2]   [3][4] 
   (a) Parlia- (b) Local Names in full.Residence or property occupied and 
 No. mentary. Govt. Surname first.abode of non-resident occupier. 
 648 R O Atkins, HarryStratton 
 649 H O H O Atkins, AliceStratton 
 650 R O Baker, Charles TomGrimstone 
 651 H O H O Baker, Eliza ElizabethGrimstone 
 652 R O Barrett, Herbert JohnStratton 
 653 R O Barrett, William JohnHouse 
 654 H O H O Barrett, Beatrice MarthaHouse 
 655 R / Bartlett, Henry JamesHouse 
 656 R O Batton, Edmund CharlesWrackleford 
 657 H O H O Batton, SarahWrackleford 
 658 O O Bell, Caroline EmmaGrimstone 
 659 R O Biles, WilliamHouse 
 660 R / Bird, Albert EdwardStratton 
 661 R / Bird, HenryStratton 
 662 R O Bird, WilliamStratton 
 663 O O Bowtell, Mary Marie, MissSchool House 
 664 R O Burridge, GeorgeStratton 
 665 H O H O Burridge, AnnieStratton 
 666 N M OaChaldecott, Rowland OwenGrimstone 
 667 O O Chaldecott, Elsie MayGrimstone 
 668 O O Charles, Fanny, MissGrimstone 
 669 R O Cheny, FrederickStratton 
 670 R O Chick, William JohnManor Farm 
 671 H O H O Chick, Kate OliveManor Farm 
 672 R O Chinn, Bertram WyndhamManor Dairy 
 673 R O Christopher, Fred CharlesHigher Wrackleford 
 674 H O H O Christopher, AnnaHigher Wrackleford 
 675 R / Churchill, EdgarHouse 
 676 R / Collins, AlfredHouse 
 677 R O Collins, WilliamStratton 
 678 R O Davie, WalterStratton 
 679 R O Davis, CharlesRose Ivy Cottage 
 680 H O H O Davis, Florence AnnieRose Ivy Cottage 
 681 R O Dodson, LotHouse 
 682 H O H O Dodson, SusannaHouse 
 683 R O Downton, Frederick JamesStratton 
 684 H O H O Downton, Rose Elizabeth AliceStratton 
 685 R O Dunn, Charles GeorgeStratton 
 686 R O Durman, GeorgeStratton 
 687 H O H O Durman, SusanStratton 
 688 R O Eliot, Ian William, Rev.Stratton 
 689 H O H O Eliot, Lillian BeatriceStratton 
 690 O O Everett, MaryCottage 
 691 R O Farnham, ThomasHouse 
 692 H O H O Farnham, AnnieHouse 
 693 R O Foot, TomStratton 
 694 H O H O Foot, Sarah AnnStratton 
 695 R O Fost, William JohnStratton 
 696 H O H O Fost, Mary AnnStratton 
 697 R O Gardner, Frederick GeorgeGrimstone 
 698 H O H O Gardner, Emma LouisaGrimstone 
 699 R O Gifford, Aran VictorGrimstone 
 700 R O Gifford, Frederick GeorgeHouse 
 701 R O Gifford, George HowardStratton 
 702 H O H O Gifford, Annie Meriah TalbotStratton 
 703 R / Gifford, Henry HowardHouse 
 704 R / Hallett, Archibald ArthurGrimstone Mills 
 705 O O Hallet, Walteina Mary ArnoldYeoman Inn 
 706 R O Hammett, William ErnestStratton 
 707 H O H O Hammett, JeanetteStratton 
 708 R O Hansford, BertStratton 
 709 H O H O Hansford, FlorenceStratton 
 710 R O Harris, CharlesGrimstone 
 711 H O H O Harris, Emily JaneGrimstone 
 712 R O Hart, GeorgeGrimstone 
 713 H O H O Hart, MaryGrimstone 
 714 R O Hawker, JamesYeoman Cottage 
 715 H O H O Hawker, AnnYeoman Cottage 
 716 R O Hodges, Henry JamesStratton 
 717 H O H O Hodges, Elizabeth AnnStratton 
 718 R / Honeybun, CharlesHouse 
 719 N M /aHoneybun, Edward CharlesHouse 
 720 R O Honeybun, JohnGrimstone 
 721 H O H O Honeybun, Sarah AliceGrimstone 
 722 R O Honeybun, ThomasGrimstone 
 723 R O Honeybun, WilliamGrimstone 
 724 H O H O Honeybun, SusanGrimstone 
 725 R O Honeybun, WilliamHouse 
 726 H O H O Honeybun, AnnHouse 
 727 R / Honeybun, WilliamStratton 
 728 O O Hope, Rose, MissGrimstone 
 729 R O Horsey, HenryChurch Farm 
 730 H O H O Horsey, CharlotteChurch Farm 
 731 R O Kellaway, CharlesGrimstone 
 732 H O H O Kellaway, MaryGrimstone 
 733 R O Kelly, JohnWrackleford 
 734 H O H O Kelly, AnnieWrackleford 
 735 O O Knight, Alice LouiseStratton 
 736 R / Knight, BertramStratton 
 737 R O Lane, BenjaminStratton 
 738 H O H O Lane, SarahStratton 
 739 R O Larkham, CharlesBull Inn 
 740 H O H O Larkham, AnnieBull Inn 
 741 R O Larcombe, HezekiahGrimstone 
 742 H O H O Larcombe, Hannah EdithGrimstone 
 743 R O Lee, JohnStratton 
 744 H O H O Lee, AgnesStratton 
 745 R O Lock, Henry SamwayStratton 
 746 H O H O Lock, Lydia MaryStratton 
 747 R O Lock, Harry JohnLower Wrackleford 
 748 H O H O Lock, Elizabeth AnnaLower Wrackleford 
 749 R O Lock, William JamesMiddle Farm 
 750 H O H O Lock, BessieMiddle Farm 
 751 R O Meech, Joseph SidneyStratton 
 752 O O New, SusanStratton 
 753 R O New, GeorgeStratton 
 754 H O H O New, Elizabeth AnnStratton 
 755 R O Northover, HenryGrimstone 
 756 H O H O Northover, SusannaGrimstone 
 757 R / Osmund, AlfredHouse 
 758 R O Osmond, James JohnStratton 
 759 R O Penny, WilliamStratton 
 760 H O H O Penny, Rosina AnnStratton 
 761 R O Phillips, FrederickStratton 
 762 H O H O Phillips, Rose MaryStratton 
 763 R O Phillips, FrankHouse 
 764 H O H O Phillips, Ann ElizabethHouse 
 765 R / Pidgeon, Frank WilliamLower Wrackleford 
 766 R O Pidgeon, HerbertLower Wrackleford 
 767 H O H O Pidgeon, LouisaLower Wrackleford 
 768 / O Pope, AlfredLand (Abode-South Court, Dorchester) 
 769 R / Reed, LewisGrimstone 
 770 R / Richards, CharlesGrimstone 
 771 R O Richards, HenryStratton 
 772 H O H O Richards, SarahStratton 
 773 O O Riggs, Sarah StoneThe Cottage 
 774 O O Riggs, Florence AnnThe Cottage 
 775 O O Robins, ElizabethStratton 
 776 R / Sargeant, ArthurGrimstone 
 777 R / Sargeant, ArthurGrimstone 
 778 O O Sargeant, Elizabeth JaneGrimstone 
 779 R O Sawyer, James JohnHouse 
 780 H O H O Sawyer, ElizabethHouse 
 781 R O Shepard, Amos WattsStratton 
 782 H O H O Shepard, Sarah AnnStratton 
 783 R / Shepard, Arthur MarmadukeStratton 
 784 R O Simmons, Arthur EdwardGrimstone 
 765 H O H O Simmons, Florence Mabel MayGrimstone 
 786 R O Snow, Robert HenryStratton (joint) 
 787 H O H O Snow, Mary ElizabethStratton (joint) 
 788 R O Snow, Tom VineStratton (joint) 
 789 R O Snow, Henry RobertStratton (joint) 
 790 R O Sprake, JohnStratton 
 791 R O Stainer, HenryStratton 
 792 R O Steer, William HenryGrimstone 
 793 H O H O Steer, Alice MaryGrimstone 
 794 R O Watts, CharlesStratton (joint) 
 795 R O Watts, GeorgeStratton (joint) 
 796 R O Watts, HenryStratton 
 797 O O Way, MaryStratton 
 798 O O Way, AnneStratton 
 799 R O Webber, RichardStratton 
 800 H O H O Webber, SusanStratton 
 801 R O Weeden, GeorgeGrimstone 
 802 H O H O Weeden, EmmaGrimstone 
 803 R / Weeden, Gilbert Richard CharlesGrimstone 

 The Register contains the names in either alphabetical or street order, as shows herein, of all persons entitled to vote as 
 parliamentary and as local government electors. 
 The index letters in column 2 [a] headed "Parliamentary," or 2 [b] headed "Local Govt." of the Register show the nature of 
 the qualification of an elector, as follows: - 
     R. = Residence qualification. 
     B.P. = Business premises qualification. 
     O. = Occupation qualification. 
     H.O. = Qualification through husband's occupation. 
     N.M. = Naval or military qualification. 
 The entry of the appropriate index letter or letters against a name in the column 2 [a] headed "Parliamentary" indicates that 
 the elector is a parliamentary elector, and the appropriate index letter or letters against a name in the column 2 [b] headed 
 "Local Govt." indicates that the elector is a local government elector. Where no index letter is entered in one or other of 
 those columns against a name, the elector is not entitled to the franchise to which the column relates. 
 NOTE: -† Persons against whose names the mark † is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at 
  Elections of County Councillors. 
  ‡ Persons against whose names the mark ‡ is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at 
  Elections of Rural District Councillors or Guardians. 
  § Persons against whose names the mark § is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry in 
  the case of a Borough or Urban District at Elections for Borough or District Councillors as the case may 
  be and in the case of a Parish at Elections for Parish Councillors or at Parish Meetings. 
  * Persons against whose names the mark * is placed will vote at another polling place at Parliamentary 
  a Persons against whose names the letter a is placed are absent voters. 
 Dated this 15th day of October, 1920. 
 DORCHESTER.        Registration Officer. 
 [1] [2]   [3][4] 
   (a) Parlia- (b) Local Names in full.Residence or property occupied and 
 No. mentary. Govt. Surname first.abode of non-resident occupier. 
 660 R O Atkins, HarryStratton 
 661 H O H O Atkins, AliceStratton 
 662 R O Baker, Charles TomGrimstone 
 663 H O H O Baker, Eliza ElizabethGrimstone 
 664 R O Barrett, Herbert JohnStratton 
 665 R O Barrett, William JohnGrimstone 
 666 H O H O Barrett, Beatrice MarthaGrimstone 
 667 R / Bartlett, Henry JamesStratton 
 668 R O Barton, Edmund CharlesWrackleford 
 669 H O H O Barton, SarahWrackleford 
 670 O O Bell, Caroline EmmaGrimstone 
 671 R O Biles, WilliamHouse 
 672 R / Bird, Albert EdwardManor Dairy 
 673 R / Bird, HenryManor Dairy 
 674 R O Bird, WilliamManor Dairy 
 675 N M OaChaldecott, Rowland OwenGrimstone 
 676 O O Chaldecott, Elsie MayGrimstone 
 677 O O Charles, Fanny, MissGrimstone 
 678 R O Cheney, FrederickGrimstone 
 679 R O Chick, William JohnManor Farm 
 680 H O H O Chick, Kate OliveManor Farm 
 681 R O Chinn, Bertram WyndhamGrimstone Dairy 
 682 R O Christopher, Fred CharlesHigher Wrackleford 
 683 H O H O Christopher, AnnaHigher Wrackleford 
 684 R / Collins, AlfredHouse 
 685 R O Collins, WilliamStratton 
 686 R O Davie, WalterStratton 
 687 R O Davis, CharlesRose Ivy Cottage 
 688 H O H O Davis, Florence AnnieRose Ivy Cottage 
 689 R O Downton, Frederick JamesStratton 
 690 H O H O Downton, Rose Elizabeth AliceStratton 
 691 R O Dunn, Charles GeorgeStratton 
 692 R O Durman, GeorgeStratton 
 693 H O H O Durman, SusanStratton 
 694 R O Eliot, Ian William, Rev.Stratton 
 695 H O H O Eliot, Lillian BeatriceStratton 
 696 O O Everett, MaryCottage 
 697 R O Farnham, ThomasWrackleford 
 698 H O H O Farnham, AnnieWrackleford 
 699 R O Foot, TomStratton 
 700 H O H O Foot, Sarah AnnStratton 
 701 R O Fost, William JohnStratton 
 702 H O H O Fost, Mary AnnStratton 
 703 R O Gardner, Frederick GeorgeGrimstone 
 704 H O H O Gardner, Emma LouisaGrimstone 
 705 R O Gifford, Aran VictorGrimstone 
 706 R O Gifford, Frederick GeorgeLangford 
 707 H O H O Gifford, Annie Meriah TalbotLangford 
 708 R O Gifford, George HowardLangford 
 709 R O Gifford, Henry HowardLangford Farm 
 710 R O Green, CharlesStratton 
 711 R / Hallett, Archibald ArthurGrimstone Mills 
 712 O O Hallet, Walteina Mary ArnoldYeoman Inn 
 713 R O Hammett, William ErnestStratton 
 714 H O H O Hammett, JeanetteStratton 
 715 R O Harris, CharlesStratton 
 716 H O H O Harris, Emily JaneStratton 
 717 R O Hart, GeorgeGrimstone 
 718 H O H O Hart, MaryGrimstone 
 719 R O Hawker, JamesYeoman Cottage 
 720 H O H O Hawker, AnnYeoman Cottage 
 721 R O Hodges, Henry JamesStratton 
 722 H O H O Hodges, Elizabeth AnnStratton 
 723 R / Honeybun, CharlesHouse 
 724 N M /aHoneybun, Edward CharlesHouse 
 725 R O Honeybun, JohnGrimstone 
 726 H O H O Honeybun, Sarah AliceGrimstone 
 727 R O Honeybun, ThomasGrimstone 
 728 R O Honeybun, WilliamGrimstone 
 729 H O H O Honeybun, SusanGrimstone 
 730 R O Honeybun, WilliamHouse 
 731 H O H O Honeybun, AnnHouse 
 732 R / Honeybun, WilliamStratton 
 733 R O Horsey, HenryStratton 
 734 H O H O Horsey, CharlotteStratton 
 735 R O Kellaway, CharlesGrimstone 
 736 H O H O Kellaway, MaryGrimstone 
 737 R O Kelly, JohnWrackleford 
 738 H O H O Kelly, AnnieWrackleford 
 739 O O Knight, Alice LouiseStratton 
 740 R O Knight, BertramSchool House 
 741 H O H O Knight, KateSchool House 
 742 R O Lane, BenjaminStratton 
 743 H O H O Lane, SarahStratton 
 744 R O Larkham, CharlesBull Inn 
 745 H O H O Larkham, AnnieBull Inn 
 746 R O Larcombe, HezekiahGrimstone 
 747 H O H O Larcombe, Hannah EdithGrimstone 
 748 R O Lee, JohnStratton 
 749 H O H O Lee, AgnesStratton 
 750 R O Lock, Henry SamwayStratton 
 751 H O H O Lock, Lydia MaryStratton 
 752 R O Lock, Harry JohnStratton 
 753 H O H O Lock, Elizabeth AnnaStratton 
 754 R O Lock, William JamesMiddle Farm 
 755 H O H O Lock, BessieMiddle Farm 
 756 R O Meech, Joseph SidneyStratton 
 757 O O New, SusanStratton 
 758 R O New, GeorgeStratton 
 759 H O H O New, Elizabeth AnnStratton 
 760 R O Northover, HenryGrimstone 
 761 H O H O Northover, SusannaGrimstone 
 762 R O Osmond, James JohnStratton 
 763 R O Penny, WilliamStratton 
 764 H O H O Penny, Rosina AnnStratton 
 765 R O Phillips, FrederickStratton 
 766 H O H O Phillips, Rose MaryStratton 
 767 R O Phillips, FrankStratton 
 768 H O H O Phillips, Ann ElizabethStratton 
 769 R / Pidgeon, Frank WilliamLower Wrackleford 
 770 R O Pidgeon, HerbertLower Wrackleford 
 771 H O H O Pidgeon, LouisaLower Wrackleford 
 772 R O Pitman, Edward CharlesStratton 
 773 / O Pope, AlfredLand (Abode-South Court, Dorchester) 
 774 R / Puckett, FrederickRose Ivy Cottage 
 775 R O Reed, LewisStratton 
 776 R / Richards, CharlesStratton 
 777 R O Richards, HenryStratton 
 778 H O H O Richards, SarahStratton 
 779 O O Riggs, Sarah StoneGrimstone 
 780 O O Riggs, Florence AnnGrimstone 
 781 O O Robins, ElizabethStratton 
 782 R / Sargeant, ArthurGrimstone 
 783 O O Sargeant, Elizabeth JaneGrimstone 
 784 R O Shepard, Amos WattsStratton 
 765 H O H O Shepard, Sarah AnnStratton 
 786 R / Shepard, Arthur MarmadukeStratton 
 787 R O Simmons, Arthur EdwardGrimstone 
 788 H O H O Simmons, Florence Mabel MayGrimstone 
 789 R O Snow, Robert HenryStratton (joint) 
 790 H O H O Snow, Mary ElizabethStratton (joint) 
 791 R O Snow, Tom VineStratton (joint) 
 792 R O Snow, Henry RobertStratton (joint) 
 793 R O Sprake, JohnStratton 
 794 H O H O Sprake, LilbeyStratton 
 795 R O Stainer, HenryStratton 
 796 R O Steer, William HenryGrimstone 
 797 H O H O Steer, Alice MaryGrimstone 
 798 R O Watts, CharlesStratton (joint) 
 799 R O Watts, GeorgeStratton (joint) 
 800 R O Watts, HenryWrackleford 
 801 O O Way, MaryStratton 
 802 O O Way, AnneStratton 
 803 R O Webber, RichardStratton 
 804 H O H O Webber, SusanStratton 
 805 R O Weeden, GeorgeGrimstone 
 806 H O H O Weeden, EmmaGrimstone 
 807 R / Weeden, Gilbert Richard CharlesGrimstone 

 The Register contains the names in either alphabetical or street order, as shows herein, of all persons entitled to vote as 
 parliamentary and as local government electors. 
 The index letters in column 2 [a] headed "Parliamentary," or 2 [b] headed "Local Govt." of the Register show the nature of 
 the qualification of an elector, as follows: - 
     R. = Residence qualification. 
     B.P. = Business premises qualification. 
     O. = Occupation qualification. 
     H.O. = Qualification through husband's occupation. 
     N.M. = Naval or military qualification. 
 The entry of the appropriate index letter or letters against a name in the column 2 [a] headed "Parliamentary" indicates that 
 the elector is a parliamentary elector, and the appropriate index letter or letters against a name in the column 2 [b] headed 
 "Local Govt." indicates that the elector is a local government elector. Where no index letter is entered in one or other of 
 those columns against a name, the elector is not entitled to the franchise to which the column relates. 
 NOTE: -† Persons against whose names the mark † is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at 
  Elections of County Councillors.  
  ‡ Persons against whose names the mark ‡ is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at 
  Elections of Rural District Councillors or Guardians. 
  § Persons against whose names the mark § is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry in 
  the case of a Borough or Urban District at Elections for Borough or District Councillors as the case may 
  be and in the case of a Parish at Elections for Parish Councillors or at Parish Meetings. 
  * Persons against whose names the mark * is placed will vote at another polling place at Parliamentary 
  a Persons against whose names the letter a is placed are absent voters. 
 Dated this 15th day of April, 1921.     
  DORCHESTER.     Registration Officer. 
 [1] [2]   [3][4] 
   (a) Parlia- (b) Local Names in full.Residence or property occupied and 
 No. mentary. Govt. Surname first.abode of non-resident occupier. 
 655 R O Atkins, HarryStratton 
 656 H O H O Atkins, AliceStratton 
 657 R O Baker, Charles TomGrimstone 
 658 H O H O Baker, Eliza ElizabethGrimstone 
 659 R O Barrett, Herbert JohnStratton 
 660 R O Barrett, William JohnGrimstone 
 661 H O H O Barrett, Beatrice MarthaGrimstone 
 662 R / Bartlett, Henry JamesStratton 
 663 R O Barton, Edmund CharlesWrackleford 
 664 H O H O Barton, SarahWrackleford 
 665 O O Bell, Caroline EmmaGrimstone 
 666 R O Biles, WilliamHouse 
 667 R / Bird, Albert EdwardManor Dairy 
 668 R / Bird, HenryManor Dairy 
 669 R O Bird, WilliamManor Dairy 
 670 N M OaChaldecott, Rowland OwenGrimstone 
 671 O O Chaldecott, Elsie MayGrimstone 
 672 O O Charles, Fanny, MissGrimstone 
 673 R O Cheney, FrederickGrimstone 
 674 R O Chick, William JohnManor Farm 
 675 H O H O Chick, Kate OliveManor Farm 
 676 R O Chinn, Bertram WyndhamGrimstone Dairy 
 677 R O Christopher, Fred CharlesHigher Wrackleford 
 678 H O H O Christopher, AnnaHigher Wrackleford 
 679 R / Collins, AlfredHouse 
 680 R O Collins, WilliamStratton 
 681 R O Davie, WalterStratton 
 682 R O Davis, CharlesRose Ivy Cottage 
 683 H O H O Davis, Florence AnnieRose Ivy Cottage 
 684 R O Downton, Frederick JamesStratton 
 685 H O H O Downton, Rose Elizabeth AliceStratton 
 686 O O Dunkley, Beatrice Ann (Miss)School House 
 687 R O Dunn, Charles GeorgeStratton 
 688 R O Durman, GeorgeStratton 
 689 H O H O Durman, SusanStratton 
 690 R O Eliot, Ian William, Rev.Stratton 
 691 H O H O Eliot, Lillian BeatriceStratton 
 692 O O Everett, MaryCottage 
 693 R O Farnham, ThomasWrackleford 
 694 H O H O Farnham, AnnieWrackleford 
 695 R O Foot, TomStratton 
 696 H O H O Foot, Sarah AnnStratton 
 697 R O Fost, William JohnStratton 
 698 H O H O Fost, Mary AnnStratton 
 699 R O Gardner, Frederick GeorgeGrimstone 
 700 H O H O Gardner, Emma LouisaGrimstone 
 701 R O Gifford, Aran VictorGrimstone 
 702 NM /aGifford, Bertram JamesStratton 
 703 R O Gifford, Frederick GeorgeLangford 
 704 H O H O Gifford, Annie Meriah TalbotLangford 
 705 R O Gifford, George HowardLangford 
 706 R O Gifford, Henry HowardLangford Farm 
 707 R O Green, CharlesStratton 
 708 R / Hallett, Archibald ArthurGrimstone Mills 
 709 O O Hallet, Walteina Mary ArnoldYeoman Inn 
 710 R O Hammett, William ErnestStratton 
 711 H O H O Hammett, JeanetteStratton 
 712 R O Harris, CharlesStratton 
 713 H O H O Harris, Emily JaneStratton 
 714 R O Hart, GeorgeGrimstone 
 715 H O H O Hart, MaryGrimstone 
 716 R O Hawker, JamesYeoman Cottage 
 717 H O H O Hawker, AnnYeoman Cottage 
 718 R O Hodges, Henry JamesStratton 
 719 H O H O Hodges, Elizabeth AnnStratton 
 720 R / Honeybun, CharlesHouse 
 721 N M /aHoneybun, Edward CharlesHouse 
 722 R O Honeybun, JohnGrimstone 
 723 H O H O Honeybun, Sarah AliceGrimstone 
 724 R O Honeybun, ThomasGrimstone 
 725 R O Honeybun, WilliamGrimstone 
 726 H O H O Honeybun, SusanGrimstone 
 727 O O Honeybun, AnnHouse 
 728 R / Honeybun, WilliamStratton 
 729 R O Horsey, HenryStratton 
 730 H O H O Horsey, CharlotteStratton 
 731 R O Kellaway, CharlesGrimstone 
 732 H O H O Kellaway, MaryGrimstone 
 733 R O Kelly, JohnWrackleford 
 734 H O H O Kelly, AnnieWrackleford 
 735 O O Knight, Alice LouiseStratton 
 736 R O Knight, BertramSchool House 
 737 H O H O Knight, KateSchool House 
 738 R O Lane, BenjaminStratton 
 739 H O H O Lane, SarahStratton 
 740 R O Larkham, CharlesBull Inn 
 741 H O H O Larkham, AnnieBull Inn 
 742 R O Larcombe, HezekiahGrimstone 
 743 H O H O Larcombe, Hannah EdithGrimstone 
 744 R O Lee, JohnStratton 
 745 H O H O Lee, AgnesStratton 
 746 R O Lock, Henry SamwayStratton 
 747 H O H O Lock, Lydia MaryStratton 
 748 R O Lock, Harry JohnStratton 
 749 H O H O Lock, Elizabeth AnnaStratton 
 750 R O Lock, William JamesMiddle Farm 
 751 H O H O Lock, BessieMiddle Farm 
 752 R O Meech, Joseph SidneyStratton 
 753 O O New, SusanStratton 
 754 R O New, GeorgeStratton 
 755 H O H O New, Elizabeth AnnStratton 
 756 R O Northover, HenryGrimstone 
 757 H O H O Northover, SusannaGrimstone 
 758 R O O'Keefe, JohnStratton 
 759 H O H O O'Keefe, NorahStratton 
 760 R O Pashen, JosephHigher Wrackleford 
 761 H O H O Pashen, Beatrice LouisaHigher Wrackleford 
 762 R O Penny, WilliamStratton 
 763 H O H O Penny, Rosina AnnStratton 
 764 R O Phillips, FrederickStratton 
 765 H O H O Phillips, Rose MaryStratton 
 766 R O Phillips, FrankStratton 
 767 H O H O Phillips, Ann ElizabethStratton 
 768 R / Phillips, Frederick GeorgeStratton 
 769 R / Pidgeon, Frank WilliamLower Wrackleford 
 770 R O Pidgeon, HerbertLower Wrackleford 
 771 H O H O Pidgeon, LouisaLower Wrackleford 
 772 R O Pitman, Edward CharlesStratton 
 773 / O Pope, AlfredLand (Abode-South Court, Dorchester) 
 774 R / Puckett, FrederickGrimstone 
 775 R O Reed, LewisStratton 
 776 R / Richards, CharlesStratton 
 777 R O Richards, HenryStratton 
 778 H O H O Richards, SarahStratton 
 779 O O Riggs, Sarah StoneGrimstone 
 780 O O Riggs, Florence AnnGrimstone 
 781 O O Robins, ElizabethStratton 
 782 R / Sargeant, ArthurGrimstone 
 783 O O Sargeant, Elizabeth JaneGrimstone 
 784 R O Shepard, Amos WattsStratton 
 765 H O H O Shepard, Sarah AnnStratton 
 786 R O Simmons, Arthur EdwardGrimstone 
 787 H O H O Simmons, Florence Mabel MayGrimstone 
 788 R O Snow, Robert HenryStratton (joint) 
 789 H O H O Snow, Mary ElizabethStratton (joint) 
 790 R O Snow, Tom VineStratton (joint) 
 791 R O Snow, Henry RobertStratton (joint) 
 792 R O Sprake, JohnStratton 
 793 H O H O Sprake, LilbeyStratton 
 794 R O Stainer, HenryStratton 
 795 R O Steer, William HenryGrimstone 
 796 H O H O Steer, Alice MaryGrimstone 
 797 R O Watts, CharlesStratton (joint) 
 798 R O Watts, GeorgeStratton (joint) 
 799 O O Way, MaryStratton 
 800 O O Way, AnneStratton 
 801 R O Webber, RichardStratton 
 802 H O H O Webber, SusanStratton 
 803 R O Weeden, GeorgeGrimstone 
 804 H O H O Weeden, EmmaGrimstone 
 805 R / Weeden, Gilbert Richard CharlesGrimstone 

 The Register contains the names in either alphabetical or street order, as shows herein, of all persons entitled to vote as 
 parliamentary and as local government electors. 
 The index letters in column 2 [a] headed "Parliamentary," or 2 [b] headed "Local Govt." of the Register show the nature of 
 the qualification of an elector, as follows: - 
     R. = Residence qualification. 
     B.P. = Business premises qualification. 
     O. = Occupation qualification. 
     H.O. = Qualification through husband's occupation. 
     N.M. = Naval or military qualification. 
 The entry of the appropriate index letter or letters against a name in the column 2 [a] headed "Parliamentary" indicates that 
 the elector is a parliamentary elector, and the appropriate index letter or letters against a name in the column 2 [b] headed 
 "Local Govt." indicates that the elector is a local government elector. Where no index letter is entered in one or other of 
 those columns against a name, the elector is not entitled to the franchise to which the column relates. 
 NOTE: -† Persons against whose names the mark † is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at 
  Elections of County Councillors.  
  ‡ Persons against whose names the mark ‡ is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at 
  Elections of Rural District Councillors or Guardians. 
  § Persons against whose names the mark § is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry in 
  the case of a Borough or Urban District at Elections for Borough or District Councillors as the case may 
  be and in the case of a Parish at Elections for Parish Councillors or at Parish Meetings. 
  * Persons against whose names the mark * is placed will vote at another polling place at Parliamentary 
  a Persons against whose names the letter a is placed are absent voters. 
 Dated this 15th day of October, 1921. 
  DORCHESTER.     Registration Officer. 
 [1] [2]   [3][4] 
   (a) Parlia- (b) Local Names in full.Residence or property occupied and 
 No. mentary. Govt. Surname first.abode of non-resident occupier. 
 641 R O Atkins, HarryStratton 
 642 H O H O Atkins, AliceStratton 
 643 R O Baker, Charles TomGrimstone 
 644 H O H O Baker, Eliza ElizabethGrimstone 
 645 R O Barrett, Herbert JohnStratton 
 646 R O Barrett, William JohnGrimstone 
 647 H O H O Barrett, Beatrice MarthaGrimstone 
 648 R / Bartlett, Henry JamesStratton 
 649 R O Barton, Edmund CharlesWrackleford 
 650 H O H O Barton, SarahWrackleford 
 651 O O Bell, Caroline EmmaGrimstone 
 652 R O Biles, WilliamHouse 
 653 R / Bird, Albert EdwardManor Dairy 
 654 R / Bird, HenryManor Dairy 
 656 R O Bird, WilliamManor Dairy 
 655 N M OaChaldecott, Rowland OwenGrimstone 
 657 O O Chaldecott, Elsie MayGrimstone 
 658 O O Charles, Fanny, MissGrimstone 
 659 R O Cheny, FrederickGrimstone 
 660 R O Chick, William JohnManor Farm 
 661 H O H O Chick, Kate OliveManor Farm 
 662 R O Chinn, Bertram WyndhamGrimstone Dairy 
 663 R O Christopher, Fred CharlesHigher Wrackleford 
 664 H O H O Christopher, AnnaHigher Wrackleford 
 665 R / Collins, AlfredHouse 
 666 R O Collins, WilliamStratton 
 667 R O Davie, FrederickStratton 
 668 R O Davie, WalterStratton 
 669 R O Davis, CharlesRose Ivy Cottage 
 670 H O H O Davis, Florence AnnieRose Ivy Cottage 
 671 R O Downton, Frederick JamesStratton 
 672 H O H O Downton, Rose Elizabeth AliceStratton 
 673 O O Dunkley, Beatrice Ann (Miss)School House 
 674 R O Dunn, Charles GeorgeStratton 
 675 R O Durman, GeorgeStratton 
 676 H O H O Durman, SusanStratton 
 677 R O Eliot, Ian William, Rev.Stratton 
 678 H O H O Eliot, Lillian BeatriceStratton 
 679 O O Everett, MaryCottage 
 680 R O Farnham, ThomasWrackleford 
 681 H O H O Farnham, AnnieWrackleford 
 682 R O Foot, TomStratton 
 683 H O H O Foot, Sarah AnnStratton 
 684 R O Fost, William JohnStratton 
 685 H O H O Fost, Mary AnnStratton 
 686 R O Gifford, Aran VictorGrimstone 
 687 NM /aGifford, Bertram JamesStratton 
 688 R O Gifford, Frederick GeorgeLangford 
 689 H O H O Gifford, Annie Meriah TalbotLangford 
 690 R O Gifford, George HowardLangford 
 691 R O Gifford, Henry HowardLangford Farm 
 692 R O Green, CharlesStratton 
 693 H O H O Green, Mary AnnStratton 
 694 R / Hallett, Archibald ArthurGrimstone Mills 
 695 O O Hallet, Walteina Mary ArnoldYeoman Inn 
 696 R O Hammett, William ErnestStratton 
 697 H O H O Hammett, JeanetteStratton 
 698 R O Harris, CharlesStratton 
 699 H O H O Harris, Emily JaneStratton 
 700 R O Hart, GeorgeGrimstone 
 701 H O H O Hart, MaryGrimstone 
 702 R O Hawker, JamesYeoman Cottage 
 703 H O H O Hawker, AnnYeoman Cottage 
 704 R O Hodges, Henry JamesStratton 
 705 H O H O Hodges, Elizabeth AnnStratton 
 706 R / Honeybun, CharlesHouse 
 707 N M /aHoneybun, Edward CharlesHouse 
 708 R O Honeybun, JohnGrimstone 
 709 H O H O Honeybun, Sarah AliceGrimstone 
 710 R O Honeybun, ThomasGrimstone 
 711 R O Honeybun, WilliamGrimstone 
 712 H O H O Honeybun, SusanGrimstone 
 713 O O Honeybun, AnnHouse 
 714 R / Honeybun, WilliamStratton 
 715 R O Horsey, HenryStratton 
 716 H O H O Horsey, CharlotteStratton 
 717 R O Kellaway, CharlesGrimstone 
 718 H O H O Kellaway, MaryGrimstone 
 719 R O Kelly, JohnWrackleford 
 720 H O H O Kelly, AnnieWrackleford 
 721 O O Knight, Alice LouiseStratton 
 722 R O Knight, BertramSchool House 
 723 H O H O Knight, KateSchool House 
 724 R O Lane, BenjaminStratton 
 725 H O H O Lane, SarahStratton 
 726 R O Larkham, CharlesBull Inn 
 727 H O H O Larkham, AnnieBull Inn 
 728 R O Larcombe, HezekiahGrimstone 
 729 H O H O Larcombe, Hannah EdithGrimstone 
 730 R O Lee, JohnStratton 
 731 H O H O Lee, AgnesStratton 
 732 R O Legg, AlfredStratton 
 733 H O H O Legg, MinnieStratton 
 734 R O Lock, Henry SamwayStratton 
 735 H O H O Lock, Lydia MaryStratton 
 736 R O Lock, Harry JohnStratton 
 737 H O H O Lock, Elizabeth AnnaStratton 
 738 R O Lock, William JamesMiddle Farm 
 739 H O H O Lock, BessieMiddle Farm 
 740 R O Meech, Joseph SidneyStratton 
 741 O O New, SusanStratton 
 742 R O New, GeorgeStratton 
 743 H O H O New, Elizabeth AnnStratton 
 744 R O Northover, HenryGrimstone 
 745 H O H O Northover, SusannaGrimstone 
 746 R O O'Keefe, JohnStratton 
 747 H O H O O'Keefe, NorahStratton 
 748 R O Pashen, JosephHigher Wrackleford 
 749 H O H O Pashen, Beatrice LouisaHigher Wrackleford 
 750 R O Penny, WilliamStratton 
 751 H O H O Penny, Rosina AnnStratton 
 752 R O Phillips, FrederickStratton 
 753 H O H O Phillips, Rose MaryStratton 
 754 R O Phillips, FrankStratton 
 755 H O H O Phillips, Ann ElizabethStratton 
 756 R / Phillips, Frederick GeorgeStratton 
 757 R / Pidgeon, Frank WilliamLower Wrackleford 
 758 R O Pidgeon, HerbertLower Wrackleford 
 759 H O H O Pidgeon, LouisaLower Wrackleford 
 760 R O Pitman, Edward CharlesStratton 
 761 / O Pope, AlfredLand (Abode-South Court, Dorchester) 
 762 R / Puckett, FrederickGrimstone 
 763 R O Reed, LewisStratton 
 764 R / Richards, CharlesStratton 
 765 R O Richards, HenryStratton 
 766 H O H O Richards, SarahStratton 
 767 O O Riggs, Sarah StoneGrimstone 
 768 O O Riggs, Florence AnnGrimstone 
 769 O O Robins, ElizabethStratton 
 770 R / Sargeant, ArthurGrimstone 
 771 O O Sargeant, Elizabeth JaneGrimstone 
 772 R O Shepard, Amos WattsStratton 
 773 H O H O Shepard, Sarah AnnStratton 
 774 R O Simmons, Arthur EdwardGrimstone 
 775 H O H O Simmons, Florence Mabel MayGrimstone 
 776 R O Snow, Robert HenryStratton (joint) 
 777 H O H O Snow, Mary ElizabethStratton (joint) 
 778 R O Snow, Tom VineStratton (joint) 
 779 R O Snow, Henry RobertStratton (joint) 
 780 R O Sprake, JohnStratton 
 781 H O H O Sprake, LilbeyStratton 
 782 R O Stainer, HenryStratton 
 783 R O Steer, William HenryGrimstone 
 784 H O H O Steer, Alice MaryGrimstone 
 765 R O Watts, CharlesStratton (joint) 
 786 R O Watts, GeorgeStratton (joint) 
 787 O O Way, MaryStratton 
 788 O O Way, AnneStratton 
 789 R O Webber, RichardStratton 
 790 H O H O Webber, SusanStratton 
 791 R O Weeden, GeorgeGrimstone 
 792 H O H O Weeden, EmmaGrimstone 
 793 R / Weeden, Gilbert Richard CharlesGrimstone 
 794 R O Wheeler, Albert FrederickGrimstone 
 795 H O H O Wheeler, AdaGrimstone 

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