Parish of Wool

War memorial in churchyard

1939 - 1945


G Ackerman

E Courtenay

E Dredge

F Heard

W McTaggart

E Sheppard

E Smith

W Smith

W Turner

I Jones


In grateful and honoured memory of the men of this parish

who fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918


W J Bishop

R J Bowering

V Churchill

C T Davis

R G Hansford

M G E Leak

F D Stevens

R Torevell

O P Whiting

N S Wright


“Their name liveth for evermore”


“Sons of this place let this of you be said;

That you who live are worthy of your dead.

These gave their lives that you who live may reap

A richer harvest ‘ere you fall asleep.”

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